Jerusalem - Holy Land

Jerusalem - Holy Land

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Fé saudável x Fé doente

É impressionante a diferença que a saúde e o bem-estar da Fé produzem na vida das pessoas, pois, dependendo do estado em que se encontram, podemos ver algumas removendo montanhas e outras sendo arrastadas para o abismo das derrotas e destruição, por brisas bem suaves.
E isso acontece em qualquer lugar, inclusive no ambiente da igreja do Senhor Jesus. Sempre vamos poder ver os sintomas destes dois estados de Fé: a saudável e a enferma.
A fé sadia torna coisas mortais em coisas possíveis, e a enferma faz o contrário, torna uma calmaria em tempestade, em algo grave, e o reversível em um caso perdido.
A saudável reduz a nada as coisas mais graves e a enferma dimensiona as coisas mais simples e menos ameaçadoras. Temos dois exemplos bíblicos para isso:
Naqueles dias, Ezequias adoeceu de uma enfermidade mortal; veio ter com ele o profeta Isaías, filho de Amoz, e lhe disse: Assim diz o SENHOR: Põe em ordem a tua casa, porque morrerás e não viverás. Então, virou Ezequias o rosto para a parede e orou ao SENHOR, dizendo: Lembra-te, SENHOR, peço-te, de que andei diante de ti com fidelidade, com inteireza de coração, e fiz o que era reto aos teus olhos; e chorou muitíssimo. Antes que Isaías tivesse saído da parte central da cidade, veio a ele a palavra do SENHOR, dizendo: Volta e dize a Ezequias, príncipe do meu povo: Assim diz o SENHOR, o Deus de Davi, teu pai: Ouvi a tua oração e vi as tuas lágrimas; eis que eu te curarei; ao terceiro dia, subirás à Casa do SENHOR. Acrescentarei aos teus dias quinze anos e das mãos do rei da Assíria te livrarei, a ti e a esta cidade; e defenderei esta cidade por amor de mim e por amor de Davi, meu servo. 2 Reis 20.1-6
No trigésimo nono ano do seu reinado, caiu Asa doente dos pés; a sua doença era em extremo grave; contudo, na sua enfermidade não recorreu ao SENHOR, mas confiou nos médicos. Descansou Asa com seus pais; morreu no quadragésimo primeiro ano do seu reinado. 2 Crônicas 16.12,13
Viram a diferença?
A doença de Ezequias era mortal e a de Asa era grave, mas reversível!
O que determinou que Ezequias vivesse mais quinze anos e que Asa morresse com uma enfermidade nos pés foi a saúde da Fé de cada um deles, pois, a “Fé sadia” de Ezequias não o deixou perder sua dependência para com Deus, e a “Fé enferma” de Asa o empurrou para os braços do homem, já que confiou mais nos médicos do que em Deus!
Amigo(a), como está a saúde da sua Fé?
Deus os abençoe sobremodo!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Faith and Justice


She used the faith to marry someone who had nothing to do with faith. She believed that by the same faith she would convert him. The end result was a real disaster. Separation, divided children and, the worst: abandonment of faith and loss of salvation of her soul. Can faith lead someone to hell? When faith is sick, yes.
The Spirit of God gives us the faith to do His will. If there is faith to test God with regard to tithes and offerings, go ahead because it matches the Word of God. But if there is faith to play in the lottery then stop because it does not match with the justice of the Word of God.
The Faith of God is always in accordance with His Will.
Anyone who uses faith absent from God's Will or separated from justice can, at first, even conquer, but it will be to his own ruin.

Monday, April 17, 2017

10 Symptoms that a person is losing the salvation

Good morning!
10 Symptoms that a person is losing the salvation.

Unfortunately, within the churches, there are many fallen Christians in the faith. They attend meetings, are tithers, some even have responsibilities in the Work of God, but they are spiritually cold. And if they do not seek a spiritual revival as a matter of urgency, when they realize it, they will already be far from the Church, for they have long since departed from the presence of God.

This is because the spiritual fall of the Christian does not happen from day to night, it occurs gradually, day after day, from the moment in which the person happens to neglect his life with God. Little by little she is letting her domestic affairs, personal projects, courtship, work and family occupy the place that was previously occupied by God, thus compromising her own salvation.

When the person loses communion with God, consequently, the old creature, who was previously buried, is again in control of her will. The Holy Spirit has no more freedom to guide the person. Then the person becomes subject to his own will. It is at this point that the person begins to experience symptoms that he is not well spiritually and is losing his salvation.

Below, we list 10 of these symptoms, analyze them and see if you have any of them:

1 - Does not take pleasure in talking to God: There are people who claim not to have time, who are tired, they say that God knows what they need, thus not expressing their dependence on Him.

2 - Does not take pleasure in knowing the will of God:
When the person stops reading the Bible, automatically, they stop to hear the voice of God. In this way, you do not know what is God's will for your life. The Bible is the source, it is in it that the will of God is expressed to us.

3 - He is afraid of death:
 He fears the fate of his soul, for he is not sure of Eternal Life.

4 - Fear not to be taken away if the Lord Jesus comes back now:
Fear the coming of the Lord Jesus because he knows that the way of life he has taken does not entitle him to salvation.

5 - Values ​​material things more than spiritual ones:
 he loses the vision of Salvation and begins to give more value to what is material. By leaving his spiritual life aside, he leaves the most important thing in the background.

6 - He seeks to please people more than God: He cares more about what people think and expect of him, rather than considering what God thinks and expects of him. Consequently, he hardly says no to what is wrong.

7- Does not have fear :
 Mind, envy, judge, disobey, rebel. It does not treat fear as respect for God, and therefore always lets His will prevail.

8 - He does not concentrate on the meeting: He gets restless, worried about other things and often watches the time for the preaching to end. He does not keep the Word and as a result he does not practice anything at all. Easily distracted, so he becomes an empty person.

9 - He does not have the joy of Salvation:
 The saved person shines with joy. She is happy and has peace, whatever the situation is, because she is sure of her life with God.

10 - She thinks the message is always for others, it is never for her:
She is not humble to recognize when she is living in sin, she is always right and never wrong.

"Therefore, be careful how you walk, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming time; Because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is". Ephesians 5: 1-5-17

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Thursday, February 2, 2017

I do not know you

I do not know to what extent many who call themselves Christians are truly disciples of the Lord. But I know one thing: the quality of the seed is proven by its fruit, just like the quality of the offering results in the quality of the life of the Christian. Good seed, good fruit. Bad seed, bad fruit. Those who give offerings are evaluated by the quality of their offerings. There is no doubt of this.
What’s interesting is that the offering eliminates the merit factor. No one needs to deserve it to be blessed. Each person is blessed by the kind of dedication they render to the Altar. The same way you give, you will receive. There is freedom to give the way you want to. However, you will receive as much as you give (Luke 6.38). No one can escape from this.
In the parable of the ten virgins, apparently, they were all prepared waiting for their bridegroom. They were all virgins (without sin) and had the same spiritual conditions. But when they heard the bridegroom was coming, their offering spoke louder. Half of them entered, while the other half was left behind. Afterward, when the foolish cried out to come in, the LORD said, ‘I do not know you.’
The Lord Jesus said: by their fruits you will know the tree. From above, trees look the same. However, when you pull off their fruit, you see the difference. The same is true when it Christians. Apparently, they are all “converted” and “saved”. But when you evaluate their actions, offerings or social behavior, you will see the reality of their faith, because the offering is a witness of the offering-giver. Whether it is in your defense or your accusation, there’s no escaping from it.
Each offering reveals the character of each offering-giver. It reveals whether he is dishonest or sincere. It proves his faith, his love, his consideration and, above all, his fear of God Almighty. Therefore, by their fruits you will know the tree. The actions of a Christian will reveal what kind of Christian he has been.
Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them. Matthew 7.17-20

Monday, January 23, 2017

The hated

Who takes pleasure in being hated? No one, I think. However, the Lord guarantees this feeling will accompany His followers throughout the world. And, if by chance, the disciple does not endure the contempt and hatred of this world, he certainly has nothing to do with Him. Those who wish to avoid being a target of this, only need to deny the faith.
Many have embraced the Christian faith, but, sooner or later, the time comes when they need to define themselves. At this time, unfortunately, most are cowed and prefer to save themselves. For such, here is a warning:
…whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven. Matthew 10.33
God allows this situation with all those who were called. However, the chosen are only those who are hated who stand firm to the end.
And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved. Matthew 10.22
And you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. Matthew 24.9
And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. Mark 13.13

And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. 
Luke 21.17

Saturday, January 14, 2017


Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons… 1 Timothy 4.1
We have seen many people fall away from the faith. Everywhere we look, we find people who have been inside a Christian church at least once and have listened to the Word of God, but have somehow fallen away. We are truly living the last days, but, why is this happening?
These people began well, but in time, instead of perfecting themselves in the Spirit, they perfected themselves in the flesh.
…having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? 
Galatians 3.3

The number of lost sheep and lost coins inside the house (church) is very troubling, because it is more difficult to remain until the end than to give your life to the Lord Jesus. To keep our name written in the Book of Life is a challenge that few can accomplish.
For these people, Jesus says:
…and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life. Revelation 3.5

How can you keep from falling away from the faith? First you need to know:
… Who hindered you from obeying the truth? This persuasion does not come from Him who calls you. Galatians 5.7-8
The answer lies in becoming enslaved to your feelings. The first sign of life when a child is born is when he cries. This makes mankind a “hostage” of his feelings, which lead him to sin. The only way to be free from this slavery is by being born again.
…Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. John 8.34-35
Now we understand why there are so many who have fallen away, so many lost coins, who came to church, did chain of prayers, received miracles, and even held positions (assistants, pastors, etc.), but never became His children, because they remained enslaved to their feelings, which led them to sin.
The only solution for those who are in the church, but find themselves in this situation, is to be born again.
What about those who fell away? Return as soon as possible and start over again, sacrificing the will of your flesh and becoming sons and not slaves.
Were you called while a slave? Do not be concerned about it; but if you can be made free, rather use it. 1 Corinthians 7.21
God bless you!